Qurbani mean Sacrifice. So every year during the islamic month of Dhul hijjah muslim around the world slaughter an animal ( a goat, sheep, cow or camel) to reflect the prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to scrifice his son Ismael, for the sake of Allah. AL-AMAL is known for sharing Islamic values as one of its main objectives, and this Qurbani is organized since AL-AMAL’s establishment in 2012.

This year’s Qurbani was offered on June 16th, 2024. Where family members of our beneficiaries in Home-based Palliative Care program enjoyed sacrifice goat meat, and was organized in collaboration with Solidalité et Bienfaisance, a French based muslim association that wills to share with muslim in need.

This Qurbani meat was shared to 40 families, where each one received 3 kilograms. All beneficiaries were very thankful for being recognized in such Islamic activity.

Clementine said ”It’s been a longtime since our family ate meat, this is a joyful day to remember and thanks alot.”