About Us
Our story starts way back
Like anywhere else in the World, our country-Rwanda requires plenty of volunteers who give their time, money, energy and expertise to do vital humanitarian works by illuminating the lives of disadvantaged population and empowering them towards better standards of living.
In this regard, a small group of Rwandans decided to put in place the Local NGO called “ISLAMIC ACTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT” “ALAMAL” in order to help our community and create a good environment whereby the beneficiaries could enjoy a good healthy life with fewer problems and less human suffering.
It is well known that development sectors such as education, health, economic opportunities, social welfare and related advocacy to millions of people, cannot be complete without considering the role of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
Actually, in Arabic, “AL-AMAL” means “Hope and “Expectation” and that is exactly what “AL-AMAL” represents and aims at bringing hope and expectation to its Beneficiaries, Stakeholders, Members and Staff.
In accordance with law Nº 04/2012 of 17th February 2012 relating to non-governmental organizations, a Local organization called ”ISLAMIC ACTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT” (I.A.D-AL-AMAL Rwanda) was established.
AL-AMAL’s vision is “To become an ideal organization striving for sustainable development and social welfare grounded particularly on Islamic ethical codes and Rwandans in General”.
AL-AMAL’s mission is” To foster social welfare and sustainable development by assisting its recipients who will endeavours participate in all activities beneficial to them while AL-AMAL shall be motivated by the desire to represent them in Rwanda and abroad.
- Voluntialism
- Integrity
- Teamwork
- Effectiveness and efficiency
- Transparency
- Dicipline
- To promote Social welfare for Rwandans;
- To foster sustainable development for Rwandans;
- To encourage and strengthen all existing efforts towards quality education;
- To work for a more enlightened appreciation of Islam as well as Islamic Culture;
- To promote cooperation, consensus, unity and reconciliation in Rwandan society.